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University of Cebu

University of Cebu

University of Cebu

University of Cebu

University of Cebu

Molding Resilient Learners through the Magic of Reading

 After eight ( 8 ) months of program implementation, the officials of Barangay Looc in Mandaue City, alongside the College of Teacher Education of the University of Cebu – Lapulapu and Mandaue, Ceasar M. Cabahug Elementary School (CMCES) teachers, students and parents, NGO Partners, and UCLM Community Awareness, Relations, and Extension Services (CARES) Director, Dr. Richie Montebon, commemorated the success of the Looc READS (Reading Engagement...

New Offering: Master in Business Administration

New Offering: Master in Business Administration Major in Financial Technology.A professional track Masters Degree program that combines disciplines in technology and business.&nb...

University of Cebu School of Law tops Category 2 law schools

University of Cebu School of Law tops among Category 2 law schools nationwide in recent Bar examinations.With a 93.94% passing percentage among all of its takers, UC School of Law ranked number 1 among law schools with 51 to 100 examinees (Category 2). Ninety-three (93) of its ninety-nine (99) takers passed the 2020_21 first ever digitized and regionalized Bar examinations held on February 4 and 6, 2022. It also ranked second, with a 97.40% passing...

Physician Licensure Examination

Another BATCH joins the latest #UCSMPRIDE 🎈.💯%🎈Sept 2021 PHYSICIAN LICENSURE EXAMINATION. To God be the Glory. CONGRATULATIONS BATCH CONCORDIA, our second borns. We are immensely proud of y...

FRIENDS National Conference on Internationalization at Home (IaH)

With FRIENDS Project overall objective to strengthen the involved Asian universities ‘internationalization capabilities and to develop their students’ global competence through the purposeful integration of intercultural dimensions into the universities ‘formal and informal curriculum, the consortium members in Asia (Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia and Bhutan) will reach out to higher education policy makers, practitioners and peers through...

#ErasmusDays Competitions at University of Cebu

In line with the University of Cebu #Erasmus Days 2020, various online competitions were conducted from October 15-17, 2020 showcasing creativity in promoting Erasmus+ projects and sharing experiences. The Show us your Erasmus Days Photo Competition, the TikTok on EU’s Clock! Video Competition, and the EEE: E-Extempo Engage!, an Online Extemporaneous Competition.  Announcement of winners was announced on October 17, 2020 at 3pm Philippine time....

UC School of Law Holds Virtual Graduation for the Class of 2020

Cebu City — The University of Cebu School of Law (UC Law) decided to get creative in honoring the success of the class of 2020 by holding a virtual graduation ceremony – a first in the country among law schools – to mark the end of the academic year 2019-2020. This year’s graduation theme – Building Resilience. Overcoming Adversity. Achieving Success. – reflects the determination and grit shown by the graduating class even in the midst of a crisis.Dean...

Learning Never Stops for the UC-SSCR LLM Students

Students of the University of Cebu (UC) - San Sebastian College Recoletos (SSCR) Master of Laws (LLM) Consortium Program attended their classes this weekend with great enthusiasm, dedication, and passion. The UC-SSCR LLM Consortium Program was established in February 2019. Approximately 30 students and 12 students comprise the first batch and second batch, respectively. Learning just never stops for these practising lawyers, judges, prosecutors,...